Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

Admit it: you don’t shave or wax as often in the winter. Since the weather’s cold and the shorts and swimsuits are packed away, it can be your little secret if you give your razor a break for a day or two – or even if you let it hibernate all winter!

What if we told you that you can ave the best of both worlds? Keep your silky-smooth legs, underarms, back or chest without having to break out the razor and shaving cream. Let us introduce you to laser therapy.

Laser hair therapy not only targets unwanted body hair, it can permanently remove body hair for good. That way, you can say good-bye to shaving, waxing, and tweezing without letting your unwanted body hair grow back. How does it work? Concentrated light zaps away pigmented hair. The unwanted body hair absorbs the light and disappears.

To make hair removal permanent, you’ll need to book several laser sessions, one every four to six weeks. Your skin may feel sunburnt for the day or two after your procedure, but ice packs and anti-inflammatory creams can help with the discomfort.

If you’re ready to retire the razor, wax, and/or tweezers for good, and keep your body free of unwanted hair, laser therapy could be right for you. Schedule an appointment with us today!

Laser Hair Reduction at LifeTime Dermatology

Our Cutera Excel HR laser combines two of the “gold standards” in hair removal – the Alexandrite and the NdYag laser. The combined wavelengths of these two lasers allow maximum hair reduction for all skin types. The Excel HR also has an advanced cooling method to help make treatments more comfortable.

The majority of patients report pain being a 3/10 intensity with a “rubber band snap” feeling. Treatments are considered to be tolerable and comfortable. Patients who have dark, coarse hair should expect 5-8 treatments for optimal results.

Laser hair removal is affordable, fast and effective.

Treatment areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Face
  • Underarms
  • Arms
  • Chest
  • Back
  • Bikini Area
  • Legs

I highly recommend scheduling a consultation with our Esthetician to discuss treatment areas, pricing and to answer any further questions.